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Integrative Wellness


Eco-Beauty Artist + Wellness Expert,

Speaker, and Educator

Creatively blending beauty + faith + lifestyle.

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Stephanie has always had a fascination with nature and plants, and the intrinsic value that they hold.  She learned at an early age that they had the ability to promote draw attention, to showcase beauty and creativity, to tend to woulds and physical ailments, and to flavor food.  She began studying in the integrative wellness field in 2016 after discover she and her newborn son had food allergies and digestive complications.   

Growing up, her mom was a nurse and her grandmother worked as a receptionist in a family doctor's office.  She was surrounded by people in the medical field and when her brother was born in 1985 with severe handicap and genetic deformities, she knew there had to be a better way for him, and others like him, to live well in the bodies they were given. 

Since then, her extensive research and experience in the industry helped her learn a great deal about the variety of ways to address a physical issue, and how differently our bodies can respond.  Determined to help others along their journey to wholistic wellness, she vowed to use her knowledge and experience to make a difference.  She has a broad scope of knowledge in homeopathy, integrative health and is pursuing certification as a clinical herbalist. 


She believes that when you know better, you do better...usually (*wink) and operates as a functional consultant, guiding others to "Be Healthy  Live Beautifully” ™, from the inside out which means addressing their life in its entirety:  Body + Mind + Soul.


Stephanie has had the honor of working with well known brands like:  Mountain Rose Herbs, Formula Botanica, Herbal Academy, Olliós, Herb Pharm, Bach Flower Remedies, and currently owns and operates her own apothecary.


Her work has been featured in Naturopathica Effect, Integrative Nutrition, Natural Awakenings, Whole Living, WRAL ABC11 WTVD.

Image by NordWood Themes
-Both Live and Virtual-

Certified Herbalist 

Wholistic Wellness

Allergy-Friendly Nutrition 

Podcast Guest

Hormonal Support

Aging Gracefully

Mental Wellness

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